Open your eyes

I started with space. Seemed simple enough a start for my first creation. Make it large enough for everything, keep colors, matter and all the complicated stuff for later. Next, I made some sky and land masses… But I couldn’t see anything pop up in the emptiness. Damnation! I forgot the lights.

“Let there be light!”

Ooookay. The skies turned out blue in the darkness, but I worked with it. I spent my first turn already, so needed to be quick. “Let’s mix some of that extra blue down there with the land, and hopefully with the light on there won’t be any more mixups with light and darkness. I’ll call that sea. It’s all good.”

Third turn. Plants. “I better make the vegetation green, now, to compensate for all the blue.” I sprouted trees, grass and fruit up from the ground. All the good stuff. But the greenery spread everywhere and filled up the whole thing. Now everything was an ugly tint of green. This was turning out to a real fixer-upper. Perhaps it wouldn’t be as jarring with some better lighting.

On my fourth turn I took a sidestep from my original plans and added a big orange light in the sky, along with a smaller pale light, to see if the jarring green would look better with some softer lighting. No such luck. A whole turn squandered. I was starting to panic.

Turn five. I needed to get this greenery under control. I pushed out swarms of plant-eating creatures - anything I could think of. Skin, scales, fur, even feathers! Sea-monsters - yes please! But the bloody things grew too big and ate almost everything, so right before my turn ended I threw a big rock at them, suffocating the big lizards in dust and snow.

Starting to sweat, I tried again, making gentler cattle things and fixing them with carnivorous hunters, as to not have another effect spin out of control. I gave the hunters only two legs and no protection from heat or pointy extremities, so they’d be at a disadvantage.

“Please please please please replenish the earth and subdue it. Have dominion of the creatures and the plants.”

If these ‘men’ wouldn’t balance the ecosystem, I’d be out of luck. I looked in horror, as my sixth turn came to an end, mankind swarming over the whole globe, killing everything that moved, cutting down what they could and burning up everything else.

I couldn’t do anything on the seventh turn. I was petrified. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of carnage.

With my eyes still closed, I threw in tablets with commands to slow the fck down, listen to your maker and *stop it, but the sound of destruction continued. I made a man of myself and separated my spirit to oversee the conception, risking a paradox. I thought they’d listen to one of their own, but they nailed me to a cross. I started to hyperventilate. Loud bangs told me they had started to destroy the very atoms that held the universe together.

I could already feel them start to spread to the rest of the cosmos, as the crescendo of utter carnage and annihilation peaked to threaten my sanity. The sounds turned to an unholy roar, and suddenly stopped. There was now only silence. I heard a soft voice call me from behind my shoulder:

“You can open your eyes. It’s all over now.”

This story was originally posted on Reddit, /r/WritingPrompts, with the simple prompt:

“You can open your eyes. It’s all over now.”

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